Graduate Level Courses:
Chemical Oceanography (OCEA 220) Graduate core course for PhD and MS students. Description: 220 is a Graduate-level survey of Chemical Oceanography, with emphasis on integration with other oceanography disciplines and preparation for Ocean Sciences Department first year PhD Exams. (Taught every other year)
Global Biogeochemical Cycles (OCEA/EART 213). Joint Earth/ Ocean department climate sequence course. Grad. Elective course. Description: Survey of main global biogeochemical cycles with emphasis on C and N cycles, and climate system linkages. Course covers both marine and terrestrial systems and biogeochemical cycles. (Taught every other year)
Aquatic Organic Geochemistry (OCEA 124/224) Graduate/ Upper Division undergraduate. Grad elective; core elective for Environmental Sciences Major. Description: An introduction to Organic Geochemistry; focused on major organic biogeochemical classes, their sources and fate in environment. Strong emphasis on isotope geochemistry, and role of organic matter in the global C cycle. I now teach 124/224 as a Lecture + Lab/ Field course; central group projects are based on lab / field-based sampling projects and lab analysis. (Taught every other year)
Topics in Marine Organic Geochemistry (OCEA290J) Graduate Elective. Description: A Topical seminar course for graduate students, focusing on specific topics in Organic Geochemistry, or marine biogeochemical cycles.
Undergraduate Courses:
The Oceans (OCEA 01) Undergraduate / Lower Division Science Inquiry Elective. Description: Large-Lecture undergraduate level introduction to field of Oceanography. Topics include a survey level overview of geological formation of ocean basins and plate tectonics, chemistry of seawater, main ocean plankton, production, and biological recycling, and main ocean circulation patterns. Additional topics include current major ocean changes, including impacts of global warming and ocean acidification. (Typically taught every year)
The Oceans- Summer Session (OCEA 01) Undergraduate Lower Division Science Inquiry Elective. Description: A field work/ Field trip based course. The summer session version of the oceans covers the same basic material, however with a greatly expanded emphasis on field work and field trips. Course home work for the same modules are organized around weekly field trips .
Our Changing Planet (OCEA 80B) Undergraduate (80 level) Science Inquire Elective. Description: A Large-Lecture survey/ introduction to Earth’s Climate System and ongoing global change. Class develops the basis of the Earth’s climate system, with a strong emphasis on major feedback loops
Chemical Oceanography (OCEA 122 ) Upper division undergraduate elective for the Environmental Science major: Description: OCEA 122 is a undergraduate Chemical Oceanography course. It has an emphasis on integration of lab and field work data with lectures, to understand basic chemical oceanographic concepts, and apply those to interpret real-world data. (Taught every other year)