Bold current or former McCarthy Lab members (MDM, Students, Postdocs, or Project Scientists)
Shen, Y., Guilderson, T., Sherwood, O., Castro, C. Chavez, F.P., and McCarthy, M.D. (2021) Amino Acid δ13C and δ15N from sediment trap time series into deep sea corals: implications for biogeochemical and ecological reconstructions in paleoarchives. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 297, 288-307. request a reprint
Broek,T, Mason, S., Guilderson, T, Vaughn, J., Ianiri, T., and McCarthy, M.D. (2020) Low Molecular Weight Dissolved Organic Carbon: Aging, Compositional Changes, and Selective Utilization During Global Ocean Circulation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34, e2020GB006547. request a reprint
Lehmann, M.F., Carstens, D., Deek, A., McCarthy, M.D., Schubert, C., and Zopfia, J. (2020) Amino acid and amino sugar compositional changes during in vitro degradation of algal organic matter indicate rapid bacterial re-synthesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 283, 67-84. request a reprint
McMahon, K., Michaelson, C., Hart, T., McCarthy, M.D., Patterson, W., and Polito, M. (2020) Divergent Trophic Responses of Sympatric Penguin Species to Historic Anthropogenic Exploitation and Recent Climate Change. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 116 (51) 25721-25727. request a reprint
Glynn, D., Guilderson, T., McMahon, K., Sherwood, O., Dunbar, R., and McCarthy MD. (2019). Major shifts in nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre over the last 5000 years revealed by high-resolution proteinaceous deep-sea coral δ15N and δ13C records Earth & Planet. Sci. Letters 515, 145-153. request a reprint
Brault, E., Koch, K, Costa,D., McCarthy, M.D.,Hückstädt, L.,Goebel, M., Karlsson, O., Teilmann, J., Harkonen, T., and Harding, K. (2019) Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis reveals new insights on the trophic position and foraging ecology of Ross, Weddel, and Crabeater Seals. Marine Ecological Progress Series 611, 1-18. Featured Article request a reprint
Vokhshoori, N., McCarthy MD, Collins, P. Etnier, M., Rick, T., Eda, M., Beck J., and Newsome, S. (2019) Expanded foraging range of ancient short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) populations into California coastal waters based on bulk tissue and amino acid isotope analysis Marine Ecology Progress Series 610, 1-13 Featured Article request a reprint
Broek, T., Boer, A., Ianiri, H., Guilderson, T., and McCarthy MD. (2018) Amino acid enantiomers in old and young dissolved organic matter: implications for a microbial nitrogen pump. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; 247, 207-219. request a reprint
Fatayer, S., Schulz, F., Coppola, A., Walker, B., Broek, T., Meyer, G. Druffel, E.R.M., McCarthy, M.D. and Gross, L. (2018) Atomic force microscopy characterization of low molecular weight dissolved organic molecules of the Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 45, 5590–5598. request a reprint
McMahon, K., Williams, B., Guilderson, T., Glynn, D., and McCarthy, D. (2018) Calibrating amino acid 13C and 15N offsets between polyp and protein skeletons to develop deep-sea proteinaceous corals as paleoceanographic archives. Geochemical et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 220, 261-275. request a reprint
Yamaguchi, Y. and McCarthy, M.D. (2018) Sources and transformation processes of dissolved and particulate organic nitrogen in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre indicated by compound-specific δ15N analysis of amino acids Geochimimca et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 220 (2018) 329–347. request a reprint
Misarti, N., Gier, E.G., Finney, B., Barnes, K., and McCarthy, M.D* (2017). Compound-Specific Amino Acid d15N Values in archeological shell: Assessing Diagenetic Integrity and Potential for Isotopic Baseline Reconstruction. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2017; 1–11. (Accepted 8/15/2017) *
Zupcic-Moore, J., Ruiz-Cooley, I., Koch, K., Gier, E., and McCarthy MD. (2017) High resolution bulk and compound specific stable isotope records from whaling era sperm whale teeth in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Ecology Progress Series; 579; 201-212. request a reprint
Hückstädt, L.A., McCarthy, M.D., Koch, P.L., Costa, D.P. (2017). Changes in the ecology of the Weddell seal after a century of human presence in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Insights from stable isotope analyses. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. Vol. 284, 20170927. request a reprint
Ohkouchi, N. , Chikaraishi, Y., Close, H., Fry, B., Larsen, T., Madigan, D., McCarthy, M.D., McMahon, K., Nagata, T. Naito, Y., Ogawa, H., Popp, B., Steffan, S.,Takano, Wyatt, A. Yamaguchi, Y., and Yosuke, Y. (2017). Advances in the application of amino acid nitrogen isotopic analysis in ecological and biogeochemical studies. Organic Geochemistry, Vol. 113(2017), 150-174. request a reprint
Broek, T., Guilderson, , Walker, B., and McCarthy MD. (2017). A coupled ultrafiltration and solid-phase extraction approach for the targeted study of semi-labile and refractory low molecular weight dissolved organic matter. Marine Chemistry Vol. 194, 146-157. request a reprint
Walker, B., Beaupre, S., Guilderson, T., Druffel, E.R.M., and McCarthy, M.D. (2016). Stable and radiocarbon isotopic composition and reactivity across the marine organic matter size continuum: implications for carbon cycling in the central Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters 43, 10,385–10,393. request a reprint
McMahon, K. and McCarthy, M.D. (2016) Embracing variability in amino acid δ15N fractionation: Mechanisms, implications, and applications for trophic ecology. Ecosphere 7(12):e01511. request a reprint
Walker, B., Beaupre, S., Guilderson, T., McCarthy, D., and Druffel, E.R.M. (2016) Pacific Carbon Cycling constrained by organic matter size, age, composition relationships. Nature Geoscience, Vol. 9, 888-891. request a reprint
Mompean, C., Bode, A., Gier E.G., and McCarthy, M.D. (2016) Bulk vs. amino acid stable N isotope estimations of metabolic status and contributions of nitrogen fixation to size-fractionated zooplankton biomass in the subtropical N Atlantic. Deep Sea Research-I, 114, 137-148. request a reprint
Bour, A. L. .Walker, B.D., Broek, T.A., and McCarthy, M.D. (2016) Radiocarbon Analysis of Individual Amino Acids: Carbon Blank Quantification for A Small-Sample High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Purification Method. Analytical Chemistry, 88 (7), 3521–3528. request a reprint
McMahon, K., McCarthy, M.D., Larsen, T., Sherwood, O. Guilderson, T. (2015), Millennial Scale Plankton Regime Shifts in North Central Pacific Grye Science 350, 1530-1533. request a reprint
McMahon, K., Thorold, S., Esdon, T.S, and McCarthy, M.D. (2015) Trophic discrimination of nitrogen stable isotopes in amino acids varies with diet quality in a marine fish. Limnology and Oceanography 60 (3), 1076-1087. request a reprint
Larsen T, L. T. Bach, R. Salvatteci, M. Ventura, Y. V. Wang, N. Andersen, and D. McCarthy (2015). Assessing the potential of amino acid d13C patterns as a carbon source tracer in marine sediments: effects of algal growth conditions and sedimentary diagenesis. Biogeosciences, 12, 4979-4992. request a reprint
McMahon, M. J. Polito, S.Abel, D. McCarthy, and S. R. Thorrold (2015). Carbon and nitrogen isotope fractionation of amino acids in an avian marine predator, the Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua).” Ecology and Evolution 5 (6): 1278-1290. request a reprint
Broek, T, and McCarthy, M.D. (2014) A New Approach to d15N compound-specific amino acid trophic position measurements: preparative high pressure liquid chromatography technique for purifying underivatized amino acids for stable isotope analysis Limnology and Oceanography Methods, 12, 2014, 840-852. request a reprint
Batista, F., Ravelo, A.C., Crucias, J.B, Casso, M.A., and *McCarthy, M.D (2014) Compound-Specific amino acid d 15N in marine sediments: a new approach for studies of the marine nitrogen cycle. Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta., 142; 553-569. request a reprint
Brault, E., Koch, P., Gier, E.G., J., Ruiz-Cooley, Zupcic, J., Gilbert, K., and McCarthy, M.D. (2014) Effect of decalcification on accuracy of bulk and compound-specific nitrogen and carbon isotope analyses of dentin Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometr Vol. 28, 2744–2752. request a reprint
Ruiz-Cooley, I., Koch, P.L.K., Fielder, P., and McCarthy, M.D. (2014) Carbon and nitrogen isotopes from top predator amino acids reveal rapidly shifting ocean biochemistry in the outer California Current System. PlosOne, Vol 9 (10). request a reprint
Schiff*, J. T., Batista, F., Sherwood,,O., Guilderson, T., Hill, T., Ravelo, A.R.C., and *McCarthy, M.D.* (2014) Compound specific amino acid δ13C patterns in a deep-sea proteinaceous coral: implications for reconstructing detailed δ13C records of exported primary production. Marine Chemistry, Vol 166, 82-91. request a reprint
Vokhshoori, N. and *McCarthy, M.D. (2014) Compound-specific δ15N amino acid measurements in littoral mussels in the California upwelling ecosystem: a new approach to generating baseline δ15N isoscapes for coastal ecosystems. PLOS One Vol 9 (6). (*McCarthy is co-corresponding author) request a reprint
Sherwood, O. S., Guilderson, T., Batista, F., Schiff, J., and D. McCarthy (2014). Increasing subtropical North Pacific Ocean nitrogen fixation since the Little Ice Age. Nature (505), 78-83. request a reprint
Prouty, N.G., Roark, E.B., Koenig, A., Demopoulos, A.W., Batista, F.,Kocary, D. B., Selby, D., McCarty, M.D., and Mienis, F. (2014) Deep-sea coral record of human impact on watershed quality in the Mississippi River Basin. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28. request a reprint
Vokhshoori, N., Larsen, T., and *McCarthy, M.D. (2014) Reconstructing δ13C isoscapes of phytoplankton production in a coastal upwelling system with amino acid isotope values of littoral mussels. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 504; 59-72. (*McCarthy is co-corresponding author) request a reprint
Walker, B., Guilderson, T., Okimura, K., Peacock, M., and McCarthy, M.D. (2014) Radiocarbon signatures and size–age–composition relationships of major organic matter pools within a unique California upwelling system Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta.126; 1-17. request a reprint
Guilderson, T., McCarthy, M.D., Dunbar, R.B., Englebrecht, A., and Roark, E.B. (2013) Late holocene variations in Pacific surface circulation and biogeochemistry inferred from proteinaceous deep-sea corals. Biogeosciences 10, 6019-6028. request a reprint
Broek, T., Walker, B., Andreason, D. and McCarthy, M.D. (2013) High-precision measurement of phenylalanine δ15N values for environmental samples: A new approach coupling high-pressure liquid chromatography purification and elemental analyzer isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2013, 27, 2327–2337. request a reprint
Larsen T, Ventura M, Andersen, N., Obrien, D.O., Piatkowski U., and McCarthy, M.D. (2013) Tracing Carbon Sources through Aquatic and Terrestrial Food Webs Using Amino Acid Stable Isotope Fingerprinting. PLOS One 8 (9), e73441. request a reprint
Ruiz-Cooley, I. Ballance, L., and McCarthy, M.D. (2013) Range expansion of the jumbo squid in the NE Pacific: d15N decrypts multiple origins, migration and habitat use. PLOS One Vol 8 (3), e59651. request a reprint
Galbraith, Eric D., Markus Kienast and NICOOP working group; including D. McCarthy (2013). The acceleration of oceanic denitrification during deglacial warming. Nature Geoscience, 6, 579-584. request a reprint
Germain L.R., Koch P.L., Harvey J.T., and McCarthy MD. (2013) Nitrogen isotopic fractionation of amino acids in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina): implications for compound-specific trophic position calculations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 482: 265–277, 2013. request a reprint
McCarthy, D., Lehman J. and Kudela, R. (2013) Compound-specific amino acid d15N patterns in marine algae: Tracer potential for cyanobacterial vs. eukaryotic organic nitrogen sources in the ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 103; 104-120. request a reprint
Calleja, M., Batista, F., Peacock, Kudela, R., and McCarthy, M.D.. (2013) Changes in compound specific δ15N amino acid signatures and D/L ratios in marine dissolved organic matter induced by heterotrophic bacterial reworking. Marine Chemistry, 149; 32-44. request a reprint
Robinson, R., Markus Kienast, and NICOOP working group (including D. McCarthy) (2012) A review of nitrogen isotopic alteration in marine sediments. Paleoceanography. 27. request a reprint
Walker, B. and McCarthy, M.D. (2012) Elemental and isotopic characterization of dissolved and particulate organic matter in a unique California upwelling system: importance of size and composition in the export of labile material. Limnology and Oceanography. 57(6), 1757–1774. request a reprint
Walker, B., Beaupre, S., Guilderson, T., Druffel, E.R.M., and McCarthy, D. (2011) Large-volume ultrafiltration for the study of radiocarbon signatures and size vs. age relationships in marine dissolved organic matter. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75; 5187-5202. request a reprint
Sherwood, O.A., Lehmann, M.F., Schubert, C., David B. Scott and McCarthy, M.D. (2011) Nutrient regime shift in Northwest Atlantic slope waters indicated by compound-specific amino acids δ15N of deep-sea gorgonian corals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(3); 1011-1015. request a reprint
Germain LR, McCarthy MD, Koch PL, Harvey JT (2011). Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in multiple tissues of wild and captive harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) off the California coast. Marine Mammal Science request a reprint
McCarthy, M.D., Beaupre, S., Druffel, E.R.M., Voparil, I., Walker, B., & Guilderson, T. (2010) Chemosynthetic origin of 14C-depleted dissolved organic matter in off-axis crustal fluids Nature Geoscience; (4) 1: 32-36. request a reprint
Roland, L. and *McCarthy, D. (2008) A new large-volume ultra and micro-filtration system for collecting suspended particulate organic matter (POM) from oligotrophic ocean basins: fabrication and characterization of POC from the NELHA pipeline site in Kona Hawaii. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 6, 64-80. request a reprint
Dekens, P.S., Ravelo, A.C., McCarthy, M.D. and Edwards, C. (2008) A 5 million year comparison of the Mg/Ca and alkenone paleo-thermometers. Geophys. Geosyst., 9. request a reprint
Roland, L., *McCarthy, M.D., and Guilderson, T. (2008) Sources of molecularly uncharacterized organic carbon in sinking particles from three ocean basins: a coupled Δ14C / δ13C approach Marine Chemistry 111, 199-213. *corresponding author. request a reprint
McCarthy, D. & Bronk, D. (2008) Analytical Methods for the Study of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen. Nitrogen in the Marine Environment. Edited by Capone, D. G.,Bronk, D. A., Mulholland, M., Carpenter, E.J., pp 1203-1260. Elsevier, 2008. request a reprint
Walker, B., McCarthy, M.D., Guilderson, T., and Fisher, A. (2008). Dissolved inorganic carbon isotopic composition of low-temperature axial and ridge-flank hydrothermal fluids of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Marine Chemistry 108, 123-136. request a reprint
McCarthy M. D., Benner R., Lee C., and Fogel M. (2007). Amino acid nitrogen isotopic fractionation patterns as indicators of zooplankton and microbial heterotrophy in plankton, dissolved and particulate organic matter in the central Pacific ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochima Acta. 71, 4727-4744. request a reprint
Dekens, P.S., Ravelo, A.C. & McCarthy, M.D. (2007) Warm Upwelling Regions in the Pliocene Warm Period. PaleoOceanography, 22. request a reprint
Fedorov, A.V., Dekens, P. S., McCarthy, M., Ravelo, A. C., deMenocal, P. B. Barreiro, M., Pacanowski, R. C., Philander, S. G. (2006) The Pliocene Paradox: Mechanisms for a Permanent El Nino. Science 312, 1485-1489. request a reprint
Ravelo, A. C., Dekens, P. S., and McCarthy, M. (2006) Evidence for el niño–like conditions during the Pliocene. GSA Today 16:3, 4-11. request a reprint
McCarthy, M.D., Benner, R., Lee, C. Hedges, J.I., and Fogel, M.L. (2004) Amino acid carbon isotopic fractionation patterns in oceanic dissolved organic matter: evidence for predominant photoautotrophic source for DON in the ocean? 2004, Marine Chemistry 92, 123-134. request a reprint
Bjorkland, T. & McCarthy, M.D. (2003). A Novel Deep-Ocean Sampler for Recovery of Very Large Volumes of Sea Floor Hydrothermal Fluids. Sea Tech. 44, 49-51. request a reprint
Johnson, H.P., and LEXEN working group (including D. McCarthy) (2003). Probing for Life in the Ocean Crust with the LEXEN Program. EOS, 84, 109-116. request a reprint
McCarthy, M.D., Hedges, J.I. and Benner, R. (1998). Bacterial origin of major fraction of dissolved organic nitrogen in the sea. Science 281, 231-233. request a reprint
McCarthy, M.D., Pratum, T., Hedges, J.I. and Benner, R. (1997). Chemical Composition of dissolved organic nitrogen in the ocean. Nature 390, 150-154. request a reprint
Benner, R., Biddanda, B. Black, B. and McCarthy, M.D. (1997) Abundance, distribution, and stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions of Marine Particulate and dissolved organic matter isolated by tangential-flow ultrafiltration Chem. 57, 243-263. request a reprint
McCarthy, M.D., Hedges, J.I. and Benner, R. (1996) Major Biochemical Composition of dissolved high-molecular weight organic matter in seawater. Chem. 55, 281-297. request a reprint
McCarthy, M.D., Hedges, J.I., and Benner, R. (1995). Geochemistry of high molecular weight dissolved organic matter in the sea as implied by amino acids and organic nitrogen. In: Organic Geochemistry: Developments and applications to energy, climate, environment, and human history 1150-1152. Grimalt, J.O and Dorronsoro, C. (eds.) A.I.G.O.A. Donostia, Spain. request a reprint
McCarthy, M.D., Hedges, J.I. and Benner, R. (1993) The chemical composition of dissolved organic matter in seawater. Geol. 107, 503-507. request a reprint
Benner, R., Pakulski, J.D., McCarthy, M.D., Hedges, J.I. and Hatcher, P.G.(1992). Bulk chemical characteristics of dissolved organic matter in the ocean. Science, 255, 1561-1564. request a reprint
Farrington, J.W., Davis, A., Sulanowski, J., McCaffrey, M., McCarthy, M.D., Clifford, H., Dickinson, P. and Volkman, J.K. (1988). Biogeochemistry of lipids in surface sediments of the Peru upwelling area. Geochem.13, 607-617. request a reprint